Happy Career Formula with Jette Stubbs

16. 5 More Secrets to Guide How You Build Your Business or Career, so it aligns with who you are

Jette Stubbs Season 1 Episode 16

How do you build a business or a career that aligns with who you are? Listen in to learn the 5 of 10 values you should consider adopting if you want to make it a reality. It's the same value that guide this podcast.

Learn more:

Take the quiz to discover What Type of Professional Are You?  
Plus, when you take the quiz, you'll identify the top 15 progress killers for career or business growth, which ones you are making to slow down your growth, and what to do about each one. 

16.  5 More Secrets to Guide How You Build Your Career or Business, so it aligns with who you are

Jette Stubbs: [00:00:00] you actually don't want to build a business or build a career doing work that is going to hurt the world that is going to hurt other people where you feel like you were taking advantage of other people. And that's one of the fears that a lot of people have when they're going out to build something that is their own.

[00:00:19] That is new. That is a un- followed career path.  How do you go and create something that aligns with who you are, makes a positive impact in the world, but also makes money. Can you be rich and be ethical? Can you be good and be wealthy? These are big questions that are are at.

[00:00:47] The heart of some of the obstacles that we face as we're building out our careers, whether that is a job, freelance service or a business

[00:00:57]So today what I want to do is I want to walk you through the 10 values that I want to use to guide this podcast. And you're like, okay, why should I listen to these values? It's not just about the values I want to use to guide this podcast. These are values that you should be considering as you start to develop your career.

[00:01:19] As you start to choose the impact that you're making, and you start to craft and design a career to fund and support your life and your lifestyle. If you have questions about how do you overcome fear and anxiety and stress? Questions of who am I to do this?  These values are going to be relevant.

[00:01:45] Are you going to create a way to break through that? That involves you creating positive working relationships with other people, empowering other people to build a successful business, or are you going to build a career that involves you taking your fears and your self-doubts and using that to push other people down so that you can get to where you want to go?

[00:02:07]You're listening to the happy career formula 

[00:02:09] with Jette Stubbs 

[00:02:10] where we talk about how to find what you love to do and turn it into ways to make money, whether that's a job, freelance service or a business, so you can live life on your own terms. 

[00:02:22]Henry (Voice Over): [00:02:22] Let's start with a quick recap from the first 5 secrets or values to guid your career or business, so it aligns with who you are.  

[00:02:29]Jette Stubbs: [00:02:29] Yeah, I will want solve a problem or ask somebody, help you  help somebody achieve their goal and ask for what you want and return to you. Can't you have options, professional options, personal options, job, freelance service or business. You don't have to scale. You can do them all at the same time.

[00:02:48] You can plan it out three. You're either helping to build your idea or somebody else's idea or build your dream or somebody else's dream. Both are okay. Options. Just stay away from multi-level marketing for you have three things that you can be doing and be paid for. You can be paid just to do stuff or just to  do activities.

[00:03:10] You can be paid to actually get stuff done and  have some sort of output or you can be paid for the result. You're going to make the most money when you're being focused on being paid for the result.  If you're being paid to do activities, you're probably not making a lot of money.

[00:03:25]Five focus on gaining knowledge and tools and learning processes that will help you get closer to the lifestyle that you want. 

[00:03:36] Don't just focus on the lifestyle and daydream. You need more than a hope and a prayer to get where you want to go. You need to build out knowledge, tools, and processes so that you can start to see how awesome you are.

[00:03:46]Henry (Voice Over): [00:03:46] Six. Can you be good and be wealthy?

[00:03:49] Jette Stubbs: [00:03:49] number six, being good versus being rich. 

[00:03:53] We have this idea that we can't be wealthy and good. We can't be wealthy and happy. It's money is evil and we can't have it. And be fulfilled or live a meaningful life. Or there all of these hurdles and obstacles for us to achieve that.

[00:04:11] Realistically, I will never say that there aren't real life obstacles. There are absolutely real life obstacles that you need to build out tools, processes understand,  do some emotional healing to work through. It's not all  I don't know, cotton candy and dandy lions and raisins. I don't know how those things go together, but that's what pops in my head just now it's not all magic, right?

[00:04:33]You need to build out a process to build wealth by solving problems for other people so that they are happy to pay you in return. You need to build out a process  to be a good person by adding value to people that you care about, understanding the impact that you want to make in the world, that you are adding value to the world so that you feel like you are a good person.

[00:04:58]These aren't separate things. They can be connected. The issue is when you're just trying to get people to give you money, to solve a never ending problem that you're intentionally not ending. So let's say you came to me for career coaching and I'm like, you can sign up for three years of career coaching as a starter package.

[00:05:23] Let me tell you if I, or anybody ever tells you that    run away because honestly you could do three years of career coaching, but you don't want to spend three years before you get your next job. You want something that's going to help you achieve your goal in a reasonable amount of time.  You're going to spend like more than three years, probably building a business.

[00:05:46] The business will be profitable hopefully before the three years are up. But you don't want to spend that much time doing it, right? You want a reasonable timeframe to hit your goals. So this idea of being good versus being rich

[00:06:01]  We think being rich is bad because sometimes people will sell us this never-ending problem. Okay. The better example than what I was saying before is when drug companies like there, I think it was, I'm not going to say which company, because I don't want Dan in trouble.  And I'm not sure if I'm remembering it correctly, but there was a company that was found to put on their PowerPoint slide that if we cure this illness, people will no longer need the medication for the symptoms.

[00:06:37] So it's bad for business. If we cure this illness, So I'd rather keep people sick and have them continue to pay me for technology. Instead of giving you a device that will now last  five, 10, 15, 20 years, I'm going to give you something that will fall apart in 18 months. So in 18 months, you need to come back and buy something for me, because what you have is obsolete and it's falling apart on you.

[00:07:04] And you get used to this idea of having to constantly pay to get what you want. Because honestly, some things like food, you cannot just buy food once, and then you're good for the rest of your life. That would be nice. That's how seeds work. If you plant seeds and you just water them and take care of them, especially if you live in someplace, that's super fertile.

[00:07:25] But you need land for that, or at least some pots and some sun and some sort of space.  Ideally. You don't want to be caught in this never ending cycle. And that's where a lot of the unethical stuff comes in with business.  We don't want to constantly just ask people for money for the sake of giving us money.

[00:07:46] We want to feel like we're adding value, but then how do you add value? How do you find this problem that people need to constantly pay for so that you can make enough money to live? That's where we get stuck. And that's why we turn to jobs because jobs will, a job is set up. So that it's something that the company will need as an ongoing issue, especially if it's a permanent job.

[00:08:06] That means it's an ongoing problem that the company needs solved. So they're going to give you a permanent role to solve this problem. That's your job within the company to solve that unique problem, but how do you go? And you do that with a business. How do you get a client to come back and pay you again?

[00:08:19] And again, should they pay you again? Or should you have to look for a new client each time you need to solve a problem? These are questions, honestly. Okay. I was going to say, there's no right or wrong, but  there is some wrong, if you are trying to do what like a pharmaceutical company could potentially be doing and  leave people sick because you have a cure, but the cure takes away from income.

[00:08:44] And that's a concern that you're  analyzing. I don't feel like there should be  too much analysis there. You should do. What's good for the greater good of society to help create a cure.    But that's not always what happens. 

[00:08:57] I want you to let go of any ideas of a self-made hero. Everybody is doing this through community. The most successful people. If you love  the Obamas became empower,  became  got to the white house by. Getting people to vote for them. That's a community like anybody that you think of as successful is doing it off of community is doing it off of adding value to other people.

[00:09:22] And those people are like supporting them, repaying them, or voting for them in return. That's how success is done. So what are you doing to go out there and help people? And even I've gotten to this point where I've had to ask myself a few times, if cash was low in my bank account, I had to ask myself, when was the last time you sold something?

[00:09:39] When was the last time you put your message out there to help somebody? And if I didn't have a straight up answer, then I had to look at this, look at myself and be like  you're not doing the thing yet. So how are you supposed to get there?

[00:09:51]Six being good versus being rich. You can be both. Wow. The actually comes best from helping people achieve their goals and solving problems and asking for what you want in return, which is a good thing to add value to people's lives, but do it in an ethical way where you're caring about those people and the transformation that you're delivering in their lives, how you're helping to make the world a better place, the meaning behind your work.

[00:10:14] These are all realistic things. These aren't things that you can solve overnight by taking a personality test, you can identify what stage you are in the process. And that's what the quiz on my website does. So if you go to Jed stubs.com/quiz, I help you to identify what stage you're at in this process and how many mistakes you're making along the way.

[00:10:34] So that you can start to fix those mistakes that you can do. But to say, you can just take a quiz and know what your options are. There are so many career options. Don't say I would just want to take a quiz. You'll be limiting yourself to the options on that quiz.

[00:10:48]Henry (Voice Over): [00:10:48] 7. Greed vs. Scarcity - You can avoid both. 


[00:10:52]Jette Stubbs: [00:10:52] Number seven greed versus scarcity. I was talking to my friend Fatima.  She was talking about greed versus scarcity. And some of the things that she said just really hit home, it ties into this idea of trying to solve a problem, but then trying to create a never ending problem. 

[00:11:11] Making the tech. So it falls apart in 18 months instead of being sturdy, like it used to be.

[00:11:17] Not giving people a cure for an illness because you can make more money by treating them for the symptoms.

[00:11:22] This idea of greed and scarcity. So there are the same thing. Greed becomes from a mindset of scarcity. You think there is not enough to go around.

[00:11:34] So you have to hoard what you have. You can't give to people because people don't have enough to give back. So you think  you just take care of number one, and then you get stuck in this life where you're feeling lonely, because you're not actually authentically and vulnerably connecting with other people in a meaningful way.

[00:11:56] You haven't built up your community or you're struggling to make money financially because you're not actually actively going out and listening and solving two problems, listening and solving people's problems that they care about so that they're willing to pay you. You're not asking to be paid and you're living in this mindset of, I must preserve my time.

[00:12:17] I must keep myself to myself. I have to not share myself. I must be served. I must be quiet. Maybe I shouldn't talk about myself. You're trapping yourself. Greed and scarcity are essentially the same thing. If you think there's not enough of something, you're going to try and hoard it. If you think there's not enough water, but you need water to survive, you're going to try and keep more of the water so that you're more likely to survive.

[00:12:44] But that means that you're not giving to other people, which means people won't want to give to you. And it gets lonelier and lonelier, quieter and quieter. The bank account gets emptier and emptier, and that's when you start to live kind of paycheck to paycheck. And you're trying to figure out why the pieces aren't coming together.

[00:13:02]So I want you to shift, I'm not talking about creating what you'll often hear in a toxic positivity community as being called like an abundance mindset. There is. Okay. There's advantages to this. I want you to think. About there being enough to go around that we can share resources that we can take care of each other and take care of the environment and start to live life differently that you can give love and receive love.

[00:13:35] You don't have to hoard your close relationships. You can say, Hey, have you met my awesome friend? You should be friends with this person too. Without thinking  that's going to jeopardize the original friendship that you had with that first person. You can listen to somebody fully as they talk about what's going on in their life and just let them be heard and not say me too.

[00:13:55] This is what I'm doing too. You can just let them be heard.

[00:13:59]I want you to shift from this mindset of there's not enough to a mindset of there is enough, and this is how I want to contribute to people.  Getting enough, getting where they want to go. I'm going to put myself out there, but this goes back to point. Number one, I'm also going to ask for what I want and return because there is more enough, more than enough to go around.

[00:14:22] And I want to ask for the life that I want to live. I'm not trying to live in excess. I'm not trying to live.   Not everybody needs to be a billionaire. You do not need to be a millionaire or billionaire to be happy. You need to be able to cover your bills and provide for the people that you care about and have flexibility.

[00:14:38] That's what's going to give you happiness. You don't need to be a millionaire or billionaire. It's nothing wrong with wanting to be a millionaire and billionaire, just know why you want to be it and what you're willing to do to get there. 


[00:14:51] Along with the idea of greed versus scarcity, you can only give what you've got. I was talking to one of my friends who's living in Mexico right now. He was taught telling me, he's reading this book  looking at the name right now. I think this translation, if I'm translating it  is you can only be the couple that you want.

[00:15:15] Let's try that again.

[00:15:16]I think it says we have the couple for, we are the  we have, we are the couple for which we can reach. So it's  you can only, 

[00:15:28]you can 

[00:15:28] only create a relationship based on what you can offer. So

[00:15:37]it's like what? You could only have the couple, you can only have the partner that you can afford. So if your voice you are giving out into the world, isn't aligned with what you want to receive from a partner. I had to come to this realization. It was when I was like 22, 23, and I was dating in Toronto  loving it.

[00:15:58] It felt like that whole sex in the city kind of vibe I was out there. I'll be real with you. Like  I was on different dating apps  I started, I got into online dating, I think when I was like 23 or 24, before that I'll be honest. I had, I didn't have a lot of problems with dating. So I wasn't online.

[00:16:15] It was because a friend was complaining, oh, there are no nice guys out there. And I was like, what? There are so many nice people. There's such an abundance of amazing people out there. You just need to get out there and go into the right communities. And she's  no, they're not inside. So I said, why don't you try online dating.

[00:16:29] There's not a scarcity of good men. There's a ton of them out there. And so she said, I'll do it if you do it. So I did it, I enjoyed it cause I was already enjoying dating before. Cause I was approaching it from mindset of knowing what I offer, but I got to this point where I wasn't a hundred percent attracting the people that I wanted to attract.

[00:16:47] And I was like, what is up with my profile? Like I had to take a step back and said, if, would I date me. Knowing who I am on the inside or the person that I think that I am, would I date me? And I said, no, that was my answer. It was no, it was heartbreaking. And I was like, Ooh, I need to change some things. I realized that I wanted to talk about all the interesting activities that I had done, but they were like old.

[00:17:14] I wanted to talk about sky diving or. Scuba diving and things like that, but I haven't done them recently when I was on it. If I were to go on a date and talk about it, I'd be talking about things from like years ago. If you asked me what I did last week, I was like, I went home. I went to work, I watched some television.

[00:17:36] I did lift some weights in front of the TV. I really wasn't. I had been through so much during the 18-month timeframe, but I just took a break from. I didn't want to be out there. I just was like, I need stability. I need security. I need to hide up in my blanket. And I   I felt like having a stable life with something that was a scarcity.

[00:18:01] So I was holding on to the idea of it dearly and  savoring the moment of being able to just go home and watch TV. Cause it hadn't been a reality for me for awhile. I was always dealing with something. Then I realized I let a lot of time pass.. I CA became  boring.   And this is outside of the pandemic.

[00:18:28] It's tough to do stuff during the pandemic like you and I didn't need a lot of disposable incomes. Do some of the activities that I wanted to do, like going to the park  going up to  a meetup or event to like free events or so many free events in a regular scenario in a big city.

[00:18:42]But I just was living in this mindset of, oh, stability is a scarcity. I should just stay in my little bubble. Anyways. I want you to know that you need to be the type of person that you want to attract. You need to work on being that type of person.  Don't think you're going to successfully attract people that are way  are you going to be hanging out with a bunch of billionaires right now where you're at?

[00:19:09] It's not that I'm not talking about your value as a human being. I'm  talking about your focus.  What business lessons do you have that you can share with them? What do you have that you can offer? That's a value. I'm not saying that you don't deserve to be in those rooms. You can get to those rooms.

[00:19:24] You can work on building out your knowledge, your tools, your processes, so that you have more value to bring, and even being willing to build those things out, to do that work makes you more valuable to be there. It makes you, it makes it a place where you can absorb information and grow and be something that eventually somebody that eventually gets on that financial level.

[00:19:45] I'm not talking, I don't know who they are. As people like deep down on the inside, emotionally, their emotional maturity, all of that, but all in the financial piece, you can get there. If you wanted to.   Anyways. Okay, let's go on to the next one. So greed versus scarcity was the next one. They're basically the same thing.

[00:20:02] I want you to focus on building out systems, tools, and processes to create abundance by giving and receiving. I think people often focus on the giving and receiving piece. They focus on the mindset piece and they'll spend they'll charge you like $2,000 to talk about the mindset because that mindset does create a breakthrough, but it's not all you need.

[00:20:24] You need tools. You need processes. You need to be able to do one plus one equals two to increase the bank account.  

[00:20:30]Henry (Voice Over): [00:20:31] 8. You can bring your whole self into what you without feeling fake or feeling like you have to put on a facade to "fit in." 

[00:20:31] Jette Stubbs: [00:20:31] Number eight, I don't want you to focus on social media. Perfect. I want you to recognize that you are one holistic human. You don't need to be wearing a mask. Anytime you go into places you don't.

[00:20:44] Okay. Let me rephrase that. We feel when I say mask of God, it means something totally different than the pandemic. I've been saying this, and now I'm realizing  it's not the same thing. It's when I say mask  we feel like we put on a facade of who we think we should be. I'm not talking about the medical masks that we need to wear because of COVID, that's different.

[00:21:07] And talking about, we put on a facade of persona to be the professional identity, instead of bringing our whole selves where we are and listening and being present  you can spend a long time trying to act like everything in life is okay. I'm not saying you need to bring all your prob problems to every situation, but we're one whole human person.

[00:21:31] You're going to make mistakes. You need to be able to forgive yourself for those mistakes and take steps forward to so that you make. Fewer mistakes. You're never going to be perfect. Mistakes will always be a part of your existence, but you don't need to portray this idea of a perfect person. It makes you less relatable.

[00:21:47] It makes it harder for people to want to open up to you to tell you their problems. Okay. 

[00:21:53]Henry (Voice Over): [00:21:53] 9. Independence vs. community building - Should you go it alone or with a community? 

[00:21:58]Jette Stubbs: [00:21:58] Number nine independence versus community building. This goes back to concept number one, of solving a problem and, or helping somebody achieve a goal and asking for what you want and return. It also touches on this idea of greed and scarcity versus an abundance mindset, right?

[00:22:14]It's this the idea of being the independent solo person that can do it all. A lot of people think, oh, I have to be strong. I have to do it on my own. That is a path for failure. That is a path for burnout. That is a path for loneliness. You want to build community and collaboration, not everybody's going to want what you want.

[00:22:34] I talked earlier about how  I had some friends who didn't want what I wanted. I still love those friends. We're super close, but I also built out communities of friends who want similar things that I want. I built out different communities that aligned with my different goals.   I don't want to hear you say, I'm going to be doing this on my own.

[00:22:53] I want to hear you say, who can I bring to the table to give me knowledge, resources, and tools? What books can I read? Cause that's learning from people who've done what you have done or want to do before you what like experts, can you listen to what podcasts can you listen to? What communities can you be in?

[00:23:14] So you feel less alone on the journey. This is what I want you to do. Okay. So independence versus community and collaboration. Community and collaboration all the time. 100%, 100% of the time, 200, 1000% of the time. 

[00:23:28]Henry (Voice Over): [00:23:28] 10. How can you make the world a better place by acknolwdge both your privilege and systemic issues? 

[00:23:34] Jette Stubbs: [00:23:35] Number 10 privilege and systemic issues. So I want you. To think about how you can be aware of your privilege, how you are affected and contribute to systemic issues so that you can help to make the world a better place.

[00:23:51] Because as you were going out and building a career that aligns with who you are, it's so easy to get in this comfort zone where you forget the hurt and pain that is happening to people in real situations around you. We are not taught how to build lives, that we love. We are not taught how to build healthy relationships.

[00:24:08] We are not taught how to. Build a healthy society. We're taught algebra and math and sciences and subjects, but we're not taught how to be holistic, healthy human beings. We're not even really taught how to be physically healthy typically in school. So we are  inadequately prepared to create a healthy society.

[00:24:33] And when you start to create privilege for yourself, by creating a career that aligns with who you are, you need to be aware of the power of that privilege and how you can use it to start to open doors for people all around you. How can you start to connect people? How can you start to help people network?

[00:24:52] How can you start to help people build healthier environments for themselves? How can you start to show people that they have other possibilities outside of their current reality, by being somebody in their community who makes it happen? And who says, Hey, I'm not special. You can do this too.  So I want you to think about how you can open those doors.

[00:25:15] And I don't want you, as you build out your happier career to be in denial about the privilege that you're also creating for yourself. Even if you come from difficult backgrounds, the truth is as you make those shifts, you're creating that privilege. So in some of my podcasts episodes, you'll hear me talk about how my parents didn't come from a lot.

[00:25:36] They didn't have a lot of money growing up, but they eventually became like millionaires. They eventually, they were doing super well. They were doing really well for themselves in the nineties. And they always said with privilege and power comes responsibility. So how are you going to use the privilege and power that we're essentially giving to you through our wealth, through the opportunities that you have had access to, which allowed me to be able to go off to university.

[00:26:05] And even though they financially, couldn't continue to support me for a variety of reasons that I don't really get into. After I graduated, I had that privilege. So even when I got that job and my first supervisor was prejudiced, she said, oh, but    why are you so different from the rest?

[00:26:27] And what she's referring, what she was referring to was the fact that I had mannerisms and habits. And even my accent had been effected by going to an upper class, predominantly white school in the Caribbean. So she was like, oh, you could be fully Canadian. One day. You can come across as fully Canadian.

[00:26:48]And we wouldn't even know that you came from that other place. That was her goal to help me assimilate whitewash, whatever you want to call And it was privilege. The things that I had been given access to because of the wealth that my parents had both created and lost, that allowed me to access an opportunity to even be treated differently. I was told  you're different from the rest of them on more than one occasion, and you need to be aware and not deny the privilege you have.

[00:27:25] You need to be aware of the systemic issues that other people have different life experiences based on how they look, how they speak. People do treat people differently based on how they appear, whether they have  holes in their clothes, even though that doesn't affect who they are as a person, it affects how they are treated.

[00:27:44] And those are the 10. Did I miss anything? Yes, I did miss one thing that I listed in my point. So I'm gonna just gonna jump back to five process and tools. So you can see how awesome you are. I want to sell you processes and tools and knowledge. That is what I want to sell you.

[00:28:05] So when I say sell  through this podcast, I want to give you these resources, processes, tools, and knowledge that you can build out the lifestyle that you want with an awareness of what you want your life to be like and how that is different. Your definition of success.  I told you that if people are saying you should buy and you should go, just go into credit card debt.

[00:28:24] That's not a good sign. About how much they care about you or your wellbeing. Sometimes going at leveraging debt for a business grows or for growth can be a thing. It's a real thing. People do it, but you want a plan in place. You don't probably don't want to do it at the beginning.

[00:28:39]Hopefully you're able to buy it with cash. If you do use a bit of credit. Yeah. It's okay. Whatever it is like it could be like you buying a book, it could be you buying. I don't know  of course from a university, it could be you biked a bunch of different things.

[00:28:51]The investment really starts after you buy the thing. So when you pay for your Netflix subscription, the investment in that  Netflix subscription starts when you watch the shows, that is the return that you get. So it's the time that you then spend to watch the shows. That's a continued investment that creates the benefit that you want.

[00:29:12] So let's say you pay for educational materials.  You buy a book, it isn't until you crack open that book and read it and spend the time reading it or listening to the audio book that you've actually made the investment to get the benefit that you want. It isn't until you go to that restaurant and you actually eat the meal that you chose and spend that time and enjoy that experience, you need to spend the time and effort to execute, to achieve the value that you want.

[00:29:39] You can't just let things sit there. If you want to get to where you want to go. I think that's it. So was more of a conversation about the 10 sort of guiding principles, ish  it was a child. I didn't totally planned this out. I wrote some really sloppy notes in front of me. And the goal is really I'm going to still publish the book recommendations that are going to be up and coming.

[00:30:08] In future episodes, but I want you to know and think about some core principles that are going to guide your career and business development and know that I want you to think critically about whoever you're choosing to learn from on this journey. And I want you to think about things like diversity and representation and making a meaningful impact on the world.

[00:30:32] And yes, it's a lot to think about when you're also trying to think about how to make money. I'm not trying to sell you on a simple process. I'm not trying to sell you on a simple fix. I am trying to sell you on a holistic process that is going to create like a transformation in your life.

[00:30:49] So it's not about creating a simple fix. It's not a get rich quick scheme for a career or job  like freelancer reserve business. There's no, I'm not trying to sell, get rich quick schemes. It's going to take a lot of work to implement the tools and the principles. It's going to take some self searching to know  who you are, where you're at and overcome self ops, self doubts, limiting beliefs  insecurities, that inner critic.

[00:31:17] That's going to tell you, you can't do the thing that you shouldn't go out and speak to that person that who are you to do this. There are things that you're going to need to analyze about who you are, where you are, why you're there and the changes that you need to make the decisions that you need to make. The consequences of the decisions that you're currently making.

[00:31:38] I'm going to say it again. If you're like me and you're sitting there and you're just. Even in the pandemic, if you're just following a pattern, are you not going out for a walk? Are you not  going online and networking and going and joining some online community or meetups? So you can speak with people if you're not  doing these things and how are you supposed to grow.

[00:31:59]You need to be  aware that there are consequences to doing nothing and even making the same decisions that you are today. And I want you to think about these 10 values. I'm going to be using to guide this podcast and how they can affect how you guide your career. So with lots of love, I hope that this Wednesday is not going to be a hump day for you.

[00:32:22] I hope you got some useful advice and tools, and I hope you enjoyed the birds chirping as it started to go dark here. And the birds went away. I don't know. They went to sleep    I hope you enjoy your Wednesday. 

[00:32:35]You're listening to the happy career formula 

[00:32:38] with Jette Stubbs 

[00:32:40] where we talk about how to find what you love to do and turn it into ways to make money, whether that's a job, freelance service or a business, so you can live life on your own terms. 

[00:32:51]this is a career and business podcast, but my two main goals for what I want to offer you are: 

[00:32:58] one  the tools to build a career that aligns with who you are, so you can make money in a way that funds your life goals and the lifestyle that you want to build for yourself. 

[00:33:09] Two, to have healthier relationships with yourself and others. 

[00:33:13] Because I think that if you have your financial resources together and you have good people around you, you can live a happier life.

[00:33:22] Subscribe and leave a review if you are enjoying the podcast.

[00:33:26] if you know somebody who you think may find this useful, please feel free to share it with a friend.


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